Pages From Our History: The SWP and The Smith Act Trials

The Socialist Workers Party in its heyday was perhaps both the most revolutionary and the most interesting political party in US history. Combining the radicalism of the American left-wing with the theoretical legacy of Bolshevik Marxism, it offered a revolutionary challenge to capitalist society and it rejected the Stalinist model developing in the Soviet UnionContinue reading “Pages From Our History: The SWP and The Smith Act Trials”

Struggling For A Proletarian Party

“The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to the other working-class parties. They have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.” ~The Communist Manifesto In Marx’s andContinue reading “Struggling For A Proletarian Party”

Clara Zetkin And The Struggle For A United Front

While Clara Zetkin is primarily known for her many contributions to the struggle for women’s liberation and participation in the revolutionary Marxist wing of the 2nd International, the scope of her political activity extended across every major issue of her time and continued until her death in 1933. One of her most important contributions wasContinue reading “Clara Zetkin And The Struggle For A United Front”

Solidarity Matters

The New York Times recently published an article detailing differences between leaders and organizers in a major union. While the substance of that debate is extremely significant and each side of it has weighty arguments in its favor, that it is airing out in the capitalist press is a disgrace to our movement and aContinue reading “Solidarity Matters”

The Revolutionary Legacy Of MLK

Writing in The State And Revolution Lenin observed that “During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, toContinue reading “The Revolutionary Legacy Of MLK”

Change The Order

For decades the labor movement in the US has been in decline. For decades the largest unions have been dominated by conservative bureaucracies and run in a deeply undemocratic fashion. For decades concessionary contracts and a cosy relationship with management has been the norm. Now that is beginning to change. New unions are developing andContinue reading “Change The Order”

The October Revolution And Queer Liberation

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was a moment when the working class took power into its own hands and sought to transform the world. It has, naturally, been a subject of intense debate and discussion among socialists ever since. There are more aspects to the revolution than any one article can hope to cover andContinue reading “The October Revolution And Queer Liberation”

Cassandras Of Revolution: The Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution

As we organize for revolution today, socialists recognize that we must study the lessons of past revolutionary movements. In carrying out this study the revolution and civil war in Spain appear as particularly interesting events because of the variety of theoretical and strategic approaches advocated by socialists organizations trying to navigate events. It would, ofContinue reading “Cassandras Of Revolution: The Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution”

Inflation: Make The Bosses Pay!

Inflation is in the news. It’s the highest it’s been in years, and prices are going up while wages remain stagnant. The impact of inflation is something workers experience everyday, whether that’s buying groceries, filling up on gas, or dealing with landlords trying to hike rent. But why is it happening and what can beContinue reading “Inflation: Make The Bosses Pay!”

Why Cannon?

The comrades that compose CSWO come from a variety of backgrounds in the socialist movement, and draw from a number of different revolutionary traditions. We reject the dogmatism and sectarianism of demanding perspective members all adopt the same view of conflicts that took place over a hundred years ago or adhere to the line ofContinue reading “Why Cannon?”

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