On Revolutionary Optimism

One of our members reflects on the current moment and the need for revolutionary optimism in a capitalist world designed to wear us down: What Capitalism Produces Most Of All Are Its Own Gravediggers There’s a revolution coming. I can hear it in the mornings, in the steady beat of a hundred feet moving inContinue reading “On Revolutionary Optimism”

It Is Necessary To Build The Communist Parties And The International Anew

Four times the international working class has moved towards constructing a revolutionary international. Four times the revolutionary communist vanguards of each country have been brought into coordination with each other in hopes of a world revolutionary movement. In our present moment none of the organizations exist as a revolutionary force capable of moving the massesContinue reading “It Is Necessary To Build The Communist Parties And The International Anew”

The October Revolution And Queer Liberation

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was a moment when the working class took power into its own hands and sought to transform the world. It has, naturally, been a subject of intense debate and discussion among socialists ever since. There are more aspects to the revolution than any one article can hope to cover andContinue reading “The October Revolution And Queer Liberation”

Cassandras Of Revolution: The Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution

As we organize for revolution today, socialists recognize that we must study the lessons of past revolutionary movements. In carrying out this study the revolution and civil war in Spain appear as particularly interesting events because of the variety of theoretical and strategic approaches advocated by socialists organizations trying to navigate events. It would, ofContinue reading “Cassandras Of Revolution: The Lessons Of The Spanish Revolution”

In Cuba Lives Hope

As CSWO members registered voters and talked about voting no to defend abortion rights in Kentucky, Cuban voters were voting yes- yes on the most liberatory family code in human history. The contrast couldn’t be starker- while workers in the imperial core are struggling to defend the few rights we supposedly have, the Cuban workingContinue reading “In Cuba Lives Hope”

Why Cannon?

The comrades that compose CSWO come from a variety of backgrounds in the socialist movement, and draw from a number of different revolutionary traditions. We reject the dogmatism and sectarianism of demanding perspective members all adopt the same view of conflicts that took place over a hundred years ago or adhere to the line ofContinue reading “Why Cannon?”

How To Be A Good Communist

“Whoever does not care to return to Moses, Christ or Mohammed; whoever is not satisfied with eclectic hodge-podges must acknowledge that morality is a product of social development; that there is nothing invariable about it; that it serves social interests; that these interests are contradictory; that morality more than any other form of ideology hasContinue reading “How To Be A Good Communist”

The Revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg

CSWO recently held a movie night where we watched the Rosa Luxemburg film. One of our members builds off that to provide an introduction to the later part of Luxemburg’s life and her writings after 1914. Let’s try to place ourselves in the shoes of an average German socialist in August 1914. We’re all SPDContinue reading “The Revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg”

Marxism And The State

As CSWO studies the relationship between class society and the state using Lenin’s The State And Revolution, one of our members reflects on the work and the strategic consequences of different views of how the state interacts with society. Perfect agreement on abstract theoretical points is not necessary for working together in the struggle forContinue reading “Marxism And The State”

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